Sunday, October 29, 2023

Top Five Sources of News

 When reflecting on my personal news consumption I found that look both into social media posts and professional news sources. As a young adult like the rest of my generation I am always on my phone and social media. Social media apps like TikTok and Instagram are the first places where i most of the time will hear about headline or story. This is because of how fast posts and trends circulate these two platforms. I enjoy the speed at which I receive news on social media apps and it makes me feel more in touch with the news. However, one of the major issues with receiving news from social media platforms is misinformation. Due to this issue once I hear about a story on TikTok I will take it to the Internet to look up further information from more professional new sources. 

Associated Press News is one of the few professional new sources I
will view when researching a new story. I view Associated Press for news because of the multiple news stories they provide. Another reason to use this new source is because it provides multiple global stories not just ones that involve America. Staying in touch with what is going on in America is important. However, understanding what is going on around the world is even more. 

Another source i get my news from is from word of mouth. Especially since I am a college student living on campus I mainly hear about topics from others. This either through my close friends, my sorority sisters, or classmates. Another way i hear news is through my family as well. My parents will send me articles through our group chat when there are major events occurring. 

Apple News is also another source where i receive my news. I enjoy Apple News due to how it sends notifications to my laptop and phone when major news stories begin to trend. I prefer these notifications  because they are only when breaking news is circulating. If these notifications were sent out every hour I would not enjoy them because it would then come off as more spam alerts. When I find myself with nothing to do I will casually open Apple News and scroll to review what is being reported. 

Finally, I get some of my news through Daily News by Spotify. daily News is a podcast created by Spotify that gives you a daily report of the news. This podcast can be added to your other playlist so while switching between songs you can get a small debrief of your daily news. I really enjoy this feature because i listen to music almost all the time when either going to class or in the car and this is a great way to subtly get reported on the news. 

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