Friday, December 8, 2023

Technology's Relationship With Us

My relationship with technology started when I was fairly young however, it was very limited. When i was around the age of ten I was gifted a leapfrog Ipad that aloud me to play educational games to further my learning. My first instance with a phone was in middle school where I was given an iPod Touch first in the sixth grade to text my parents. The following year I was introduced to a real phone where I could call and have social media apps like snapchat. Compared to my friends at the time I was late to the technology trend. Many others had obtained their phones in the fifth and even forth grades. However, this was mainly so they could communicate with their parents for school or sports. 

In more recent years many new parents have also introduced technology to their children but not in the same ways our parents did for us. iPads and iPhones are given at extremely younger ages and the amount of time exposed to them is not limited. They also have no limits on the technologies themselves exposing children to dangers of the internet and social media. This has caused many children to become out of touch with their environments, lack patience, and lack listening skills. The way this new generation socializes is also being impacted and increasing cyberbullying cases

Back home I have a few cousins that are apart of the new generation and have been heavily exposed to technology. When I babysit them i take advantage of our time together by engaging with them in ways that do not include technology. If we go out to eat no technology is aloud to come along or be at the table. I try engaging them with drawing and toys. If we are to be playing with technology I like to do it through simple video games like Mario Kart where they still have to engage with those in person with them.

I believe that as our society grows younger generations are going to continue to be exposed to technology but as mentors we should be doing our best to slowly integrate it into their lives. New parents should continue what our parents did and only provide Ipads and Iphones at middle school age and for educational purposes as well. They should also have internet limitations and not allow social media accounts till older. Today there are many studies that have proven the negative impact of social media and we should take this advice and apply it to how we raise our children. 

Technology is something that is going to continue to be heavily in our lives. Everyday I am on my phone
either communicating with friends or scrolling on social media. Furthermore, I am a communications major that is heavily invested in using technology for school. However, there are some ways I have limited my exposure to technology. I started a year ago turning off all social media notifications on my phone. This has limited my screen time majorly and has given me more control over when I go on my phone instead of the other way around. I have also recently have tried to not go on my phone right before I go to bed and instead I will read a chapter of my book. The first step to distancing yourself with technology is to gain control back from it. Once your in charge of when you engage with your phone then it stops controlling your every day routine. It may be difficult in the beginning but once you begin the more free you feel. 

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Technology's Relationship With Us

My relationship with technology started when I was fairly young however, it was very limited. When i was around the age of ten I was gifted ...