Tuesday, November 7, 2023

EOTO Com Tech Timeline

The word pencil is derived from the Latin word “penicillus” that means “little tail” to describe small ink brushes used for writing in the Middle Ages. The earliest documented history of the pencil traces back to ancient Rome where the writing utensil, the stylus, was invented. The stylus was a thin metal rod used against papyrus to leave a light but readable mark. Furthermore, the first instance of a graphite form of writing utensil was in 1564 England. These first prototypes of the pencil were long sticks of graphite wrapped in string and later inserted into hollow wooden sticks. These first wood-cased pencils were mainly used by shepherds to mark their sheep and early artists for their work. 

Flash forward a thousand years to 1662 Germany where a man named Joann Staedtler became fascinated with the pencil work in London and created the Staedtler Pencil Company. His company then produced the first-mass production of pencils. However, these first generations of modern pencils were natural and unpainted so by the 1890’s many American pencil manufacturers started painting and imprinting brands on pencils. This is how the iconic yellow pencil we use today was created. Early American pencil makers wanted a special way to market that their pencils contained Chinese graphite. In Chinese culture the color yellow is associated with titles of royalty and respect. American’s took this aspect to market to audiences that their pencils were “regal” and consumers should buy them. 

Not only did early 19th century Americans invent the iconic yellow pencil but they also invented the number 2 pencil. In 1820 New Hampshire John Thoreau and his son Henry David Thoreau discussed the issues with pencils being brittle and greasy. From their findings they built their own factory and developed a system to diminish these issues by substituting clay for wax. This new model of the pencil birthed the modern number 2 pencil we all use today. Furthermore, Henry David Thoreau not only created the number 2 pencil he created four more types as well. These four types were labeled 1 to 4 and ranged from softest to hardest levels of graphite. 

There are more versions of the modern pencil than the yellow and number 2 pencil especially some that are more advanced in technology. The earliest prototype of the mechanical pencil was created by Nicholas-Jaques Conte in 1791. This scientist and artist created this new form of a pencil by placing a lead stick between a twisting screw mechanism. However, this invention was not popular until the 19th century where various designs were constructed with more advanced technology. Some specific new technologies involved were retractable tips, adjustable lead grades, and ergonomic grips.  

In today’s world over 20 billion pencils are produced each year and more specifically over 1 billion number 2 pencils are made each year. In regards to mechanical pencils the rate is much higher and over 14 billion pencils are created each year. The pencil is an object majorly invested in our everyday lives no matter which form we use. This invention advanced human history not just in technology but writing and art as well. The pencil may seem small but it has had and will continue to have a major impact.








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