Monday, November 27, 2023

The Progressive Era

Throughout the decades multiple polls and surveys have been conducted amongst the American people on their opinions of War. Around half of answers reveal to be Anti-War however, the main stream media always seems to be saying a different story. In America going to War is marketed as heroism or inevitable. It is marketed to the American people as a "good thing" with no consequences. Nevertheless, media outlets fail to mention that destruction and devastation war brings amongst everyone involved. Strong Anti-War voices very much exists in the American population they have just become silenced by the main stream media and government. There are many strong anti-war voices in the American public; the government and mainstream media have simply tried silenced them.  

Before I wrote this post I tried to research further on this topic and found extremely hard to do. Simply searching google to find articles or websites was difficult. After looking through the website ANTI I some very interesting news stories. Most of the news stories presented on the websites main page were very detailed and important information regarding the war between Israel and Palestine and the war between Ukraine and Russia. The page shared information that I have not heard any main stream media report. For example, the website discussed a Peace Deal regarding the Ukraine and Russia disput which i have not heard much about. When the main stream media silences Anti-War voices they silence important informational news to the public. These media and government outlets may deny their silencing acts and act like they do understand the destructive consequences of war but, one can see throw this lie by which stories they touch. 

Multiple news sources in todays world focus only focus on one conflict or specific stories to mold a certain perspective to viewers. Over the past few months multiple media sources have totally forgotten about the war in Ukraine and have acted like it was resolved. The media has soften the topic of war by not fully showing the consequences and acting like the conflict was resolved in a few days. Another common theme presented in today's world is that the war at hand could have never been prevented and was there was no other ways to resolve the issue. This helps comfort the Pro-War movement our government and media continue to push. 

Some ways Anti-War voices can resit this push is threw continuing their work on other social medias. Reaching other audiences throw more main stream outlets beside the news can help this movement have a larger voice. In these posts one could use more visual elements and photos to really show others the impact of war. People are known for understanding a movement more deeply with visuals. Visuals bring a sense of reality to viewers. This could help citizens push against the Pro-war idea and continue to raise their concerns for the actions being taken by the government. 

Voices are louder together. The more the movement is discussed and continued to be spread amongst newer audiences the further it can go. If more citizens become aware of the true consequences of war and the reality of many of current world events the more Anti- War voices will rise. War is destructive and brings now light to any party involved. Preventing war before it occurs and looking for the best solutions to resolve a conflict is what we all should strive for.

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